bias n. 1.成见,先入之见,偏执,偏见 (opp. Impartiality ); 倾向,嗜好;癖 (towards)。 2.(衣服等上面缝的)斜线,斜痕;【无线电】偏,偏压;偏置。 3.【体育】使球斜进的偏力;(球的)歪圆形;不按直线前进的倾向;【电学】偏压;【统计学】倾向统计值;【生物学】偏倚。 a racial bias种族偏见。 A strong musical bias 对音乐的强烈爱好。 Copper bias 【电学】正偏压。 Zinc bias 【电学】负偏压。 Cut on the bias 斜裁,斜切。 Be free from bias 丝毫不受偏见左右。 Be under a bias in favor of [against] 对…有偏爱[偏见]。 Have a bias to [towards] 对…有偏心。 Without bias and without favour 不偏不倚地,公公平平地。 adj. 斜的;【电学】偏动的。 Bias bands 斜带。 adv. 斜,偏。 Cut material bias 斜切料,斜开料,斜裁。 vt. (biased, biasing 〔英国〕 biassed, biassing) 1.使有偏见,使偏重,使偏向一方。 2.【电学】加偏压于。 be bias(s)ed against 对…抱有偏见。 Bias … into 【电学】加偏压使进入…。 My ignorance biased me against my teacher. 我由于无知而对老师抱有偏见。 adj. -ed 有偏见的。
Acquiescence bias is a category of response bias in which respondents to a survey have a tendency to agree with all the questions or to indicate a positive connotation.Watson, Dorothy.